Wednesday 1 February 2017

Post-colonialism: final blog tasks

1)  Alvarado - This is a theory which highly talks about the black community and how they have been represented, e.g. How we the audience would see them (Pitied - vulnerable, Dangerous - crimes, exotic - food, humorous - actors).

Fanon - This theorist is someone which described colonialism as essentially destructive and you can link some of what he says to diaspora identity. 

Said - This theorist explained that at the start of European colonisation the Europeans came in contact with the lesser developed countries and believe that they were more superior considering that they had the better lifestyles, e.g. In terms of wealth.

2) In my opinion, I believe that the opening of Yasmin created a positive and also a negative view of British Muslim. Firstly, it created a positive representation because in the clip, we saw that the main character was helping disabled children as it was her job. Even though we do see Muslim's in a negative way, this does create a positive sense of their representations as they are caring for others too even though the get 'grief' a lot. On the other hand, it creates a negative representation within the community itself as the beginning showed disrespect to the Muslim community because of the fact that the main protagonist was taking off her religious clothes and putting on 

more 'westernise' clothes. It almost shows a sense of downgrading their culture which will really effect those who are very religious and wear religious clothing everyday.  



This video is linked to Alvarado, as it is reinforcing the stereotype that the Black community is 'dangerous'. I believe this because it is talking about how this black man, had been suspicious of killing over 30 women across 20 years which is a frightening statistic and this is why I believe it is linked to Alvarado.

This is another clip which can be used in Alvarado's theory of dangerous, to some extent. Stereo typically, people believe that the black community are violent but in this case, it is doesn't show them to be as violent as what people may suggest of them. They have been shown to be very friendly and in this case, it shows them to be 'pitied'.

This is another video which is linked to Alvarado. But in this case, it is linked to humurous. Nowadays people find the black community very funny and not too serious and we can use Katt Williams as an example. He is a comedian and there are also other actors and comedians that are the same, e.g. Will Smith or even Kevin Hart.

Edward Said

I chose these three clips as I believe that they all have similar concepts of 'East vs West'. The thing which they all have in common is that they all are about these families that have come from either India or Pakistan and have moved over to England. For example, in East is East, a Pakistani family had moved to England and this Pakistani man had married this white women. This almost shows that the West is more superior than the East, because firstly, the East have moved to the West. In addition, in the East, we would see more traditional clothing but nowadays, we see the East wearing more Westernised clothing which links back to the fact that the West are more powerful.


All of these videos are linked to Fanon's theory and the key word, 'decivilize'. In each video, it links to gangsta and pimp, as in all of these videos, it was creating a violent atmosphere. For example, Ill Manors was a movie on not allowing young people what they want and therefore, created the video of the young people violently ruining cities and looking like they are criminals. 

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