Sunday 26 February 2017

Identities: applying feminism

1) The five types of feminism that has been outlined on this media factsheet are the following:
  • Radical Feminism
  • Liberal Feminism
  • Marxist-Feminism
  • Black Feminism
  • Postmodern Feminism
2) I believe that Butler would fit into liberal feminism. This is because of the fact that Butler believed that genders do not have biologically fixed roles, for example men can do what a women can and vice versa. Also, this is the same definition shown for the liberal feminism in the factsheet (gender roles are not biologically determined). Therefore this is why I believe that Butler fits with liberal feminism.

Also, I believe that McRobbie fits with the marxist feminism. McRobbie talks about how women are shown to be very weak in the media and she explains that women need to feel good about themselves and seem to be powerful in the media over men. 

The everyday sexism project and postmodern feminism both have a great link as they both have the definition of encouraging women to share their past experiences they may have had with men or something which was reinforcing the feminism stereotypes and how we still live in a feminism time.

3) Suffragist - a person advocating the extension of suffrage, especially to women.
Suffragettes - a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest.

4) Mulvey's argument against Hollywood films is that the camera ‘looks’ at women as if were a male and the woman is a desirable sexual object. She called this the male gaze and suggested that women are either viewed in a ‘voyeuristic’ way, which makes them ‘whores’, or in a ‘fetishistic’ way, making them ‘madonnas’ or virgins. In my opinion, to some extent, I do believe with what Mulvey says but disagree more. I believe that, yes women are seen as a desirable sexual object but nowadays, we believe that its a normal thing if they are seen to be like this.

  • Billboards
  • Schools
  • Airplanes
  • Bus stops
  • Elevators
6) She claims that the advertising industry makes a women’s appearance the most important thing about her. Women feel they must strive for perfection but feel guilty and ashamed when they cannot achieve the absolute flawlessness they are being told is ‘normal’. Kilbourne uses several examples of how images in advertising are manipulated to make the women in the adverts appear perfect. 

7) Wolf argues that the notion of ‘beauty’ is entirely socially constructed and patriarchal. By this she means that men in a given society create rules of what is considered beautiful in women but this alters from culture to culture. She gives the example that with a Westernised women, a beautiful women must have features such as blonde hair, a slim figure and flawless skin. 

8) The representation of women in music videos have been presented as controversial because through many different videos, women have been portrayed as victims. Also, we see have seen that a lot of the time, the lyrics of the music are also referred to women and how they have done bad things and also suggests how the majority of them are represented as 'prostitutes' which is highly controversial and debatable. This is because a lot of this isn't true, in my opinion and therefore the women have been given a negative status amongst themselves.

9) A lot of the time, artists such as Nicki Minaj and Beyonce have been shown as empowering the women gender. For example, in a lot of their music videos, they always seem to be in control of the men and the other people around them. Despite, there being some sorts of pleasure for men, these two particular artists always seem to have the spotlight in terms of power and therefore can be seen as encouraging the female audience as they can also be seen as doing the same thing.

10) In my opinion, I do believe that new and digital media has given women the opportunity to challenge sexist views. For example, nowadays we have social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook where people have the freedom to post anything they which to despite having the potential users that are willing to fight against peoples beliefs. Also, we have having an increase in the number of female YouTubers which are starting to become very well known from a female and also a male audience. Therefore, I do believe that this is an opportunity to challenge sexist views.

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