Tuesday 21 February 2017

19/02/17 - Why IMDb should rethink the decision to close its message boards (47)


Col Needham

IMDb had, recently. made the decision to close the message board on their website. However, this article is talking about why IMDb should reconsider their thoughts about closing the message boards. In the article, the CEO of IMDb said that the board was no longer creating a positive, useful experience and despite the fact that IMDb were no longer using the message board, he said that he would definitely encourage others to copy this idea and release something like this on another website etc. In addition, due to the fact they are deleted the board, it has created a negative feel to it and some users talked about the importance of this message board and how it was beneficial towards them. One user said that he made friends on the over boards over his favourite films and actors. He then goes on to talk about how they would usually discuss them on the message board, e.g what his favourite part was throughout the movie. But then, “IMDb say that the boards have been overtaken by trolls, but they could easily make it harder for people to troll, by hindering them creating multiple accounts”, where things weren't being taken seriously then and therefore resulted in them having to shut the board down. 
  • Dan L began an online petition to save the boards, currently at just under 10,000 signatures. He suspects the invocation of trolls is little more than a smokescreen. 
  • “They make bold claims such as 250 million monthly users worldwide. If IMDb really had 250 million users how come the movie with the most ratings, Shawshank Redemption, only has 1.7m votes? I don’t see how they can have 3.3% of the world’s population regularly using the site.”
  • Dan uses the 2016 film Beta Test as an example of a fraudulently rated film in which half of the film’s apparent viewers have rated it a 9 or a 10, though the “top voters” (those with accounted for and regularly active accounts) have only rated it an average of 4.6.
In my opinion, I believe that the idea of closing down the message board is a bad idea for the users. Even though this doesn't effect IMDb as it is only a discussion board, it is restricting the users from allowing them to talk to other users. In the article, we saw that many users talked about how they all made friends on there and therefore, this was very entertaining for them. I believe that since it wasn't effecting IMDb, they should allow the users to keep writing their views about the films, even though there may be some people trolling on the website. I believe that without trolls, the internet wouldn't be the same and this is a thing which we need on the internet even though they may be very annoying.

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