Sunday 19 February 2017

19/02/17 - Are mobiles changing how we shop? (45)

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This article is about how technology is changing the way we are starting to buy products. Nowadays, we use our mobile phones to buy products which is the most used device for online shopping. In addition, researchers also stated in this article that there has also been a huge increase on the number of middle age users who have also started to use online shopping. May different spokesman have said that 'mobile is undoubtedly our fastest growing sales channel. Importantly though, mobile is becoming the glue between our shops and online". However, the article also discusses the different consequences with the fact that online shopping is starting to become extremely common; people are starting to become more 'fatter' which is a health concern as the customers believe that using the internet to do their shopping. To some extent, this is very true but also it isn't. Furthermore, the article also states the advantages of shopping online; the key advantage towards this is that you have a wider range of products to select from.
  • A Mintel study of Christmas shopping habits found that only 37 per cent of those surveyed bought all or most of their presents online.
  • According to the IMRG Capgemini e-Retail Sales Index, which tracks trends in internet shopping, 66 per cent of visits to retail websites between November and January came through mobile devices. That compares with 53 per cent in the same period a year earlier.
  • According to IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group), the trade body for internet retailers, 51 per cent of online sales between November and January in the UK involved hand-held devices rather than traditional computers or laptops.
In my opinion, I believe that, to some extent, online shopping is a good thing but also a very bad thing, especially for the health concerns. With online shopping, people start to become very lazy and therefore less customers would start to go out to do their shopping. I also believe that if there are more online consumers and the traditional consumers, more businesses will start to close as they wouldn't have any customers walking and buying products from their stores. However, the good things about online shopping is that we have the opportunity to pick from a wider range of products which isn't the case when you go into the shops. People also believe that it is a much quicker access as the consumers would have the opportunity to do other things if they are busy doing something else and don't have the time to go to the shops.

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