Tuesday 28 February 2017

Identities and Film: blog task

1) Read Media Factsheet 142: Identity and Film.

2) Complete the Twenty Statements Test yourself. This means answering the question ‘Who am I?’ 20 times with 20 different answers. What do they say about your identity? Write the 20 answers in full on your blog.
3) Classify your answers into the categories listed  on the Factsheet: Social groups, ideological beliefs, interests etc.

I am...
  • A Liverpool Fan - Interests
  • A Sports Enthusiast - Interests
  • A Film Enthusiast - Interests 
  • A Brother - Social groups
  • An older sibling - Social groups
  • A Photographer- Interests
  • British - Social Groups
  • A Sikh - Ideological beliefs
  • Male - Social groups
  • A food connoisseur - Self-evaluations
  • A Programmer - Interests
  • Student at GHS - Social groups
  • 18 years old - classifications
  • 6" 2 - Social groups and classifications
  • A Car enthusiasts - Interests
  • Beardless - 
  • A fan of music - Interests
  • A Comedy lover - Interests
  • A Committed gamer - Interests
  • A fan of technology - Interests

4) Go back to your favourite film (as identified in the lesson). What does this choice of film say about your identity? Are there any identities within the film (e.g. certain characters) that particularly resonated with your values and beliefs?

My favourite film is Scent of a Women. I believe that this films suggests that my identity is about looking at the little things in a particular movie. For example, in the movie I chose, the reason why I said that it's my favourite is because of the main character. In the movie, the main character played a blind person and was taken care of by a student who needed the money. Throughout the movie, instead of the student taking care of the blind man, it seemed that the blind man was taking more care of the student, which I thought was very strong considering he couldn't see.

5) Watch the trailers for the five films highlighted as examples of gay/lesbian representation in mainstream film. How are LGBT identities constructed in the trailers and how are audiences encouraged to respond to these representations?

Wilde - Through the trailer, I saw two males as a couple. At first, one male showed his true colours (being gay) and the other character, at first, was shown to be married to a women. However, when the two characters started to talk to each other, they eventually became a couple but since it was shown in an older time, it was harder for people to accept it as it was a normal thing to do. But since they got their own way in the end, audiences can be encouraged by the fact that if you try hard enough, you will most likely always get it your way and be happy.

Philadelphia - The trailer showed a man who had hidden his sexuality (about being gay) from his work colleagues and along with that, he had aids. However, due to the fact that he had aids, he was fired from his place of work. The fact that he was also gay, could have made a major effect on the fact that he was fired. In addition, audiences can be encouraged by this as equal rights have been shown between people who are gay or have aids and the other people, suggesting that everyone is the same.

The Wedding Banquet - In this movie, it showed hidden identities between the characters. The main character was shown to being marrying a women, but only until we see that this marriage is only done because of the fact that two men wanted to be together without anyone apart from the 'bride' knowing about the couple. This doesn't necessarily encourage the audience as they may see that everything in life isn't as easy as it may seem to be and you cannot get everything that you may want.

The Kids are Alright - In the movie, we seen a lesbian couple who both have their own children. Alongside this, the children are half brother and sister because the mum's had the children by a sperm donor. The audience can be encouraged by this as they shouldn't let anyone else control their children apart from themselves as they are the ones who raised them. Also, the movie itself also shows that everyone is the same and we get the feel that the two mum's are no different from anyone else.

Pride - This movie shows that everyone in here are proud of who they are, e.g. the Lesbians are proud to call themselves Lesbians and the gay's are proud to be who they are. Therefore, this encourages the audience as they shouldn't care about what everyone else is thinking and just believe in themselves and look at if they are happy with who they are and no one else, which could then make them a stronger person.

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