Monday 14 November 2016

NDM: News Values

1) Conflict - Donald Trump has become the new President of the USA (It bought shock/surprise to the world as everyone had believed that Hillary Clinton would've won the elections).
Progress - Donald Trump went from one of the candidates, who thought that he had no chance of becoming President. However, at the end of it, he did and it was an extreme achievement, despite the shock.
Disaster - Tornado outbreaks in Oklahoma, in May 2016 (Natural Disasters).
Consequences - Football star, Adam Johnson, sent to prison for sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl.
Prominence - Leonardo DiCaprio won his first Oscars award in 2016.
Novelty - Remembering the people who had lost their lives in the Paris Attack of 2015.

2) The example news story which the Factsheet uses is the Guardians which is headlined 'British servicewoman dies after Afghan bomb blast'. 

3) Gatekeeping is the process of filtering information prior to dissemination. This process is usually done via the editor, but the gatekeeping process could be seen to be more than simply an editor choosing one story over another, it could also refer to how journalist select certain lines of questioning, or use some words over others to describe people and event.

4) Bias can be created in the news by the following:

  • Bias through selection and omission
  • Bias through placement
  • Bias by headline
  • Bias  by photos, captions,and camera angles
  • Bias through use of names and titles
  • Bias by choice of words
5) Nowadays, the public rely more on these unprofessional journalists and users on Twitter than they do with anyone else however, they still get criticized for the content they publish. For example, a blogger called Ana Marie Cox released exit poll resilts during the Obama presidential election campaign and this involved a lot of criticism since the people believed that this could have had a massive effect in the results. In addition, some critics argue that the rise of e-media and the developments in technology are challenging the way media institutions 'gatekeep' news.

6) Wikileaks hacking into Hilary Clinton's emails.

  • This shows the importance of Twitter and how effective they are when it comes to looking at Twitter as a news source.
  • News is being generated by the general public (UGC) and whenever, something important happens in the news, it will usually go onto  Twitter rather than to a news institution.
  • The audiences are the people who are the ones that have been generating the news and they are becoming the people to go to when their is new news. 
  • Whenever a journalists is trying to discover news, the news they find will go through a gatekeeper who will check if the news is reliable enough to send to the general public. However, with this sort of news, there is a chance that this is not 100% and news can be missing for the UGC.
8) In my opinion, I believe that new and digital media technology hasn't changed much in Galtung and Ruge's news values. This is because of the fact that whenever, news is published, for example of Twitter, we still go by the same rules which Galtung and Ruge had discovered previously. If news was published by a specific user online, we will still ask ourselves the following:
  • Immediacy - Has it happened recently?
  • Familiarity: is it culturally close to us in Britain?
  • Amplitude: is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
  • Frequency: does the event happen fairly regularly?
  • Unambiguity: is it clear and definite?
  • Predictability: did we expect it to happen?
  • Surprise: is it a rare or unexpected event? Etc...
Therefore, I believe that we still go by the same principles when new news has been published and for this reason, I don't think new and digital media has had much impact in this specific theory.

  • Immediacy - Since there has been more and more users on social media sites, those specific users have become more reliant on users breaking news more sooner.
  • Surprise - On social media, many people talk about things that may or may not happen, e.g. there are a lot of rumors online. Therefore, some of  the news doesn't come in as a surprise. 
  • Negativity - Everyone still talks about the bad news since Bad News gets more people listening than the good news.
  • Continuity - On social media, there would be many different users that would publish the same news many different times.
  • Elite Nations and People - Nowadays, people don't care as much as to where  the news is happening. They care more about the news and that's it.
  • Amplitude - The bigger the news, the more appealing it will be to the audience.

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