Tuesday 15 November 2016

15/11/16 - Newspapers big and small are facing an existential crisis (19)


Newspapers of all kinds are under threat.

This article is talking about how some of the big and small newspaper companies are going to be facing a closure, if they do not find a buyer due to the fact that their revenue is decreasing in advertising. The two newspapers they compare are the Journal, which makes 1m copies per day and the Advertiser which makes 1,200 news prints per day. With the advertiser, they are needing to find a buyer and if they don't very soon, then they will have to close down and will have their last issue in December. In addition, this will mean that the newspapers in the local area will not have a newspaper to read. Also, the article talks about how the big online companies, such as Google and Facebook are sucking up the advertising revenue and therefore, the newspapers cannot compete with these online companies since the newspaper industry is a dying media platform.

  • The Journal sells more than 1m copies a day in print while the Advertiser manages about 1,200 newsprint sales a week.
  • In fact, in the Advertiser’s case, the past tense is more relevant. After 168 years of publication, it is losing money and staring closure in the face.
  • He pointed out that between 2010 and 2015, there had been “a relatively stable decline” of print advertising (between 5-8% each year.
In my opinion, I believe that the part where they talk about Google and Facebook taking up all the advertising revenue is really unfair. I think this because, mainly, they do not pay any contribution towards this revenue and due to this, the lesser newspaper companies are having to go into decline for their mess and I believe that this shouldn't happen. Towards the end of the article, it talks about these larger companies paying a 1% levy. This is a good idea but I believe that if the government want them to pay this 1% levy, then they should act quicker as it will be beneficial towards them but also for the lower newspaper companies, as they will also be making some advertising revenue.

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