Tuesday 22 November 2016

21/11/16 - Missing iPlayer means your Samsung TV isn’t so smart (21)


Television remote control changes channels thumb on the blue TV screen

This article is talking about how smart televisions, which were made by huge companies such as Samsung were built for audiences not needing to go onto the different devices such as a computer or tablet to watch a catch up or on demand programme. However, this article was quite negative about the smart TV's with Samsung being the main culprit. The reason for this is because of the fact that they were not meeting the demands of some users that had bought the smart TV. For example, a customer had bought a Samsung Smart TV because of the fact that the requirements listed on the TV was that the users will have the access to watch BBC iPlayer. However. when he bought the TV and started to use it, he couldn't get access to the iPlayer app as there was some fault that was done by Samsung. However, when he tried to phone Samsung helpline, the service was very poor and therefore, he couldn't do anything about it.
  • Samsung has admitted that three of the 12 ranges of televisions it has launched this year do not have a working iPlayer app.
  •  It declined to say how many individual sets are affected, but it is likely to be at least 18 models.
  • The Samsung Smart TV platform is used by content providers to make apps available. Content providers may remove apps from the platform or stop supporting them at any time. When new Samsung Smart TV products are launched, there may be a delay before the apps shown become available on those products.
In my opinion, I believe that this would be very beneficial for the print platform as they can see and increase of audiences moving back to them. I think this because if the service from Samsung is very poor and they are one of the only companies that provide the smart TV's the audience will either back to the computers or either start to buy print copies. In addition, I believe that with a mega company like Samsung, it is very wrong to have a bad service since they make a lot of money compared to other companies and I believe that this needs to be sorted out.

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