Tuesday 21 March 2017

21/03/17 - Far-right millionaire: I'll use social media network to back Scottish independence (55)


Jim Dowson

This article is about a former financial backer of the British Nation party is going to use social media in order to promote the Scottish separatism. For a while, there has been talks about how Scotland are wanting to leave the UK to become an own unit like Ireland. However, this isn't working and this man, Jim Dowson wants to try and change it by persuading it's people via social media. The article continues to talk about how there are similarities between this scenario and the Donald Trump presidential elections. Dowson’s social media group pumped out pro-Trump “news” during the latter stages of the US presidential campaign, including several conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton. This suggests that this person seems to be very powerful across social media and could therefore have a significant impact on the world. As a one-time member of the far-right Britain First organisation, which he resigned from three years ago, Dowson said he would be directing the pro-independence online media campaign from his bases in Hungary and Serbia as well as in Britain, including from an office in Stirling. 

  • An unapologetic advocate of Christian nationalist anti-immigrant groups across Europe, the 52-year-old former evangelical preacher is also a strong proponent of Vladimir Putin. Dowson has spoken at a conference of far-right leaders in Russia and wants Trump to enter an era of cooperation with Putin.
  • Anti-racist organisation Hope Not Hate said: “Dowson has become a major player in social media, using his ‘hub’ in Budapest to spew out hatred right around the world. His proposed intervention in Scotland has nothing to do with independence, but with everything to do with the lust for bigotry and making another of his former places of residence a battleground for hatred.”
In my opinion, I believe that this is just another way of spreading around fake news. Although there was nothing mentioning fake news in this particular article, it still had a lot of relationships to Trump and I do believe that that was based a lot around inaccurate information which was fed to the public. Therefore, the fact that which the Dowson had something to do with the elections tells me that what he will be feeding to the Scottish public, I personally think that he would be posting a lot of unreliable sources which is already a problem which we face on social media every day and we still need to do something which will solve this specific problem.

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