Tuesday 7 March 2017

07/03/17 - ABC to lose 200 jobs by June in latest round of cuts (51)


Louise Higgins

This article is about how the ABC will lose roughly 200 staff by June 2017, alongside taking a 20% cut of management positions. It also states that the reason they have come to this decision is because they need the funds in support to the TV news and television divisions. In addition, the spokes-person talks about how the radio and television reach is starting to decline and the audience gap compared to other competitors are starting to increase too. Furthermore, they also discussed that they'll be "implementing additional efficiency measures in production and support in ABC TV and ABC News. This is part of ongoing work to meet efficiency targets, reduce fixed costs and free up additional funds.Higgins has been appointed chief financial officer and Liston, a former head of human resources, has been elevated to director of engagement, audiences and technology, a role which will see her control the new “content fund” which will build to $50m. Also, Guthrie told staff she would welcome ideas for programming the 6pm to 7pm TV time slot. This means that they are trying to get to an audience before peak times but still a time which a lot of people would be watching everyday TV.

  • Guthrie said an additional $15m a year would be spent on targeting audiences in regional and rural Australia and within 18 months 80 new jobs would be created.
  • A new $50m content fund created by cuts to middle management would allow the ABC to “respond with flexibility and speed to shifting audience trends”, Guthrie said.
  • “It’s expected that across these separate activities – reducing management, eliminating duplication and achieving production and support efficiencies – between 150 and 200 staff will leave the ABC by the end of this financial year.”
In my opinion, I believe that in order to be competing with the major companies such as the BBC, then getting rid off 200 staffs would be a great way to do so. If they are paying for peoples salaries who aren't even needed in the company, there's no point in going on about it and keeping them there. Also, I believe that since the ABC are mostly targetted at people who only listen to the radio and watch TV, it is going to be extremely hard to get the public to pay attention to them as everything has change; the majority of news watchers or viewers are going online to get their news. In my opinion, I believe that the ABC should do something which would allow them to share their news content online rather than broadcasting because as from recent times, TV and radio news is starting to become less popular and will eventually turn out to be like newspapers where hardly anyone would pay attention towards it.

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