Tuesday 14 March 2017

13/03/17 - Facebook and Twitter should do more to combat fake news, says GCHQ (54)


Fake news is increasingly visible on social media sites such as Facebook.

This article is about how social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook should be doing more to combat the emerging threat of fake news. It also starts to talk about how Facebook are the ones to blame for the fake news as they didn't see this coming and haven't tried to do anything to prevent this from happening further. A spokesman, Paul Chichester said that "We don’t own those platforms, we don’t run them, the industry does. It’s really important that they do recognise they carry some social responsibility". This means that these large companies should try to recognise what is happening in the world and how they are one of the main causes for this and should try to act much quicker as the fake news is happening everyday and this hasn't changed for a very long time. This is why people are so frustrated as there aren't any answers from the social media sites chairman such as Mark Zuckerberg. 

  • He said: “We don’t own those platforms, we don’t run them, the industry does. It’s really important that they do recognise they carry some social responsibility.
  • Asked on Tuesday whether social networks could do more to tackle the rising tide of fake news, Chichester said: “I think so. It’s an emerging threat that we’re all grappling with. It’s not just a challenge for government.

I believe that what Facebook, and a lot of other social media sites, are doing, is trying to save themselves from the critics so that they will not have anything bad said about them. One of the key reasons I think this is because, CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about how 99% of the time, news is accurate which therefore means that there is a 1% chance that the news could be inaccurate. However, he did not mention that; he said that they will spot this 1% chance and no one would notice it. In addition, I believe that this is very misleading for the Facebook users and they then may think that everything that they see on Facebook is true when others would know that this is a false piece of news. Therefore, I think that Facebook should change this and should make sure that everything they distribute should be properly checked over before 'feeding the news' to their audience/users.

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