Sunday 16 October 2016

Newspapers: the effect of online technology

1) In my opinion, I disagree with what James Murdoch is saying about the BBC not providing free news online. One of the first reasons I believe that is because of the fact that the audience themselves already pay a TV license. Every family household  that has a TV is meant to have a TV license and with that license it already covers the BBC and many more TV channels. Therefore, since the audience are already pay a license towards the BBC, the BBC may feel that they are already receiving money from the audience. If the BBC do put a price tag on the online news, then this would be 'unfair' as the audience would have to pay extra money as they are already paying for the TV license, alone which is roughly around £150 and therefore paying on top of that. In addition, the reason I believe that James Murdoch is saying this because he will eventually take over his father's (Rupert Murdoch) businesses and inherit News Corps which is a major rival to the BBC. The Sun is a major company owned by News Corp and their online news has a paywall before accessing their news.

2) I believe that Rupert Murdoch was right in terms of putting his news content behind a paywall. I think this because The Times and The Sunday Times sometimes face a lot of criticism and therefore if Murdoch put this behind a paywall, he will face less criticism as people would have to pay in order to view the content; many people wouldn't pay to criticize so this is a good thing for Murdoch. On the other hand, this was a bad idea as they had lost a lot of customers as they didn't want to pay to view news. 

3) It is so ridiculous if these mainstream newspapers believe that they can "force readership of fee-based news. One can get the same "news" for free almost anywhere on the internet. I'd take a hint from the alternative free weeklies that survive just off their local advertising. I don't think anyone would read them otherwise. These papers are full of paid advertising. The fee model will never work. - Jerry Harris

'The company now has lifetime value and renewable revenue attached to its 

digital customers where previously it had none' – could this BTW is an analogy for the Labour Party, re shifting from the block vote to individual membership?

The first comment is where one of the audience is arguing against the paywall and the second one is  where another audience in favor for the paywall. Personally, I believe in the first comment where the audience disagrees with the paywall. In the comment, the writer was talking about how people wouldn't want to pay for news from a highly recognized institution where they know that they can get news from free online news which is as highly accurate as any other. Therefore, he believes that there is no point in paying when it is out there for free. I also believe this because if I was in a situation where I had to choose between buying to view online content or receiving it for free and is also very reliable, I would go for the free one. However, he also talks about how 'the fee models will never work' but I do believe that with the 'major' companies such as The Sun, it does work. Since the Sun has got a lot of money, as it is owned by News Corp, then a lot of money can be invested into the advertising which will make the audiences more aware etc. 

4) The Evening Standard has increased circulation and profit due to the fact that these newspapers are provided for free. From June 2013 to 2014, the number of copies had increased from 700,000 to roughly 900,000. Due to this increase in the amount of newspaper, more workers for the Evening Standard have been distributed around the country and therefore, more people have been aware of this institution and so they have been able to increase in their profit. 

5) In my opinion, I don't believe that there is any hope left for the newspaper industry for the long-term. Currently, I do believe that there is hope for the newspaper industries as there are many journalists out there getting information for the news institutions but they will soon become 'extinct' as the institution will not be able to afford their salaries as they wouldn't have much income coming in due to the lack of sales in the newspapers. The reason for the lack of sales in newspapers would be due to the online news sources that people use. According to statistics from the ABC and many other articles, the number of people that read newspapers is starting to decrease every year with most of the hugh branded institution. The many reasons for this is because they are starting to put more work into their news online as the number of audience is increasing each year. Therefore, this will become a reoccuring thing where the newspaper viewers will start to decrease and the online news viewers will start to increase. Therefore, the newspaper industry will become extinct due to the fact that there is a larger number of the audience reading their news online.

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