Tuesday 11 October 2016

11/10/16 - Ad-blockers: are publishers tempted to feed the hand that bites them? (9)


Adblock screenshot

This article is talking about how the company Eyeo and publisher have linked together in order to make a whitelisted adverts on for their own online sites which will allow them to increase their revenue through advertising. Whitelisted ads are suppose to be adverts that are trust worthy to a user and doesn't give a virus to the users PC is they click on it. A spokesman from Eyeo was talking to the guardian and explaining how they are not trying to just only get the 'URL' alone from publisher but make the whitelisted ads so that they're adapted to how they (Eyeo) want it to work. The spokesman talks about how only 10% of the companies that pay for the whitelisted ads and the other try to avoid making payments. Since this company is doing this whitelisted ads, it is going to be affecting other companies that use this as it can decrease their revenue slightly. But since they use it, their revenue will increase by 6% anyways which is an advantage for any big company.
  • “I should point out that 90% of the companies on the whitelist don’t pay a dime.”
  • ...publishers who gain more than 10m additional ad impressions per month from the Acceptable Ads initiative – who pay a licensing fee, which amounts to 30% of the revenue.
  • Acceptable Ads [programme] has no representation from recognised advertising and publishing industry bodies such as the IPA, IAB or ISBA
  • Adblock Plus says it has over 1,000 publishers on board, with Williams commenting that “publishers got it and signed up in droves”
Despite all the critism that Eyeo is getting from other major companies, I believe that this is a good idea with the whitelisted ads. This is because this is a way which advertising will work as mainly everyone uses the computer since print is becoming a dying media platform. This way, Eyeo and all the other companies that are using this method, can make their companies more aware to the audience and since it pops up on the audiences screen, they have that option whether or not they want to view it. It is beneficial mainly because of the fact that the companies revenue will then increase.

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