Tuesday 18 October 2016

NDM News: The future of journalism

1) Shirky believes that accountability journalism is a very important thing to the world  as they bring out the negative and 'corrupted' things that have been done by people. Then he started to give an example of the movie called 'Spotlight', where journalists were investigating a situation involving a priest. A Priest of a Church was on trial and being investigated well-experienced journalists and Shirky includes that without them, not of this information would've been known about and the world itself could become very different since they are declining, especially in the US.

2) Clay Shirky believes that advertisers weren't getting good recognition online before as it was as a strong platform as it is now. However, back then, people would use their advertising and put it onto the newspapers and therefore, Shirky believes that without having 'Ads revenue', journalists wouldn't be around as this was the thing that kept them going and since there is less use of newspapers, this is a key reason on why different types of journalists are going into decline.

3) Shirky talks about how, nowadays, people don't bother using the newspaper to view their news but have started to view news online. The reason why he believes that everyone uses the news online is because of the fact that they are eligible to view whatever they want to by just typing it in and not having the 'flick through pages'. So, this is known as a quicker process for the audience to view their news and believe that it is also much easier.

4) If the internet was as popular and successful, back in 1992, as it is now then people like the Priest in the Catholic Church would've been caught quicker and would've been a much bigger thing now. Shirky gives an example where in the year 2000, he could send an email to a couple of people and 'no one would see it'. However, in 2002, by 'putting it on a mail list, suddenly a hundred people read it, and they forward it and they forward it'. This shows that if the internet was popular in 1992, many people would've found out more quicker and in larger numbers about this scandal and would've been a greater issue since more people would have known about it, through the influence of social media.

5) Shirky is against new sites having a paywall as he believes that in order of having these restrictions, it should be used as a infinite good but has been used as a finite good. In addition, he believes that this higher and major institutions are using paywalls to pay the accountability journalists but don't understand that the same news can be offered on another, 'free' site and is as reliable as any other site. Therefore, believes that these restrictions are a bad thing and shouldn't happen.

6) A social good is 'a good or service that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way. An example of a social good is journalism as the investigation that was done to find information of the Priest of the Catholic church as what Shirky mentioned in the article.

7) Highlight quote 

8) In my opinion, I believe that these major institutions are highly important to stay in the business and provide news. This is because of the fact that these are the most popular companies in the institution and have the greater revenues out of everyone through ad revenue and therefore, if they continue with the business, they will still be able to afford to pay accountability journalism etc which can still provide the news for the public and can help people finding out news which is accurate. In addition, if an audience was looking at the Guardian, those specific audiences would most definitely want to keep the guardian as they do not have a paywall on their site. Overall, I believe that this is very important for the news industry. 

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