Monday 31 October 2016

25/10/16 - Channel 4 News defends Facebook live stream of battle for Mosul (14)

Channel 4 News’ Facebook Live stream of Iraqi and Kurdish forces advancing on IS militants in Mosul.

This article talks about Channel 4 has defended themselves from a live coverage they did on Facebook about the battle of Mosul. Many people who thought very seriously about this, as they saw this as a war, were okay with the fact that this was being streamed live on Facebook. However, they did not like that there was the option to send emoji's across and like the video because many of the people believed that this stream was shown as a site of entertainment and didn't attract the audiences as of how serious this really is and how seriously people are taking these scenes. The stream itself was shown to the audience that 'it may be the biggest battle of the 21st century', but people thought that this was a joke and started to see this stream as something to find funny. 

  • Spilling onto Facebook from the Channel 4 News, at 7.55pm the EU protest feed had 2 million views.
  • Both feeds attracted debate online with some worried that war had become “entertainment” for commercial gain.
  • Sharon Nuro posted: “This is not entertainment for you to get more viewers”.
  • Rudaw’s audience on Facebook has increased more than 200% this week, he said.
In my opinion, I believe that this event on Facebook is a good thing for the audience. However, I believe that how this event was taken, was not done properly. Personally, I believe that it was a good idea because many of the audience can get a view and understand what was happening in the world as it was going live. However, I do also believe that if Facebook are allowing Channel 4 to stream something as serious as this, they should try to think all of the negatives that may potentially happen and try and prevent them from happening. For example, since many people were effected by the emoji's, they should've thought of this and blocked the emoji's for this specific coverage. In conclusion, I believe that if there is a specific coverage like this is going onto air again, they should try and learn from this and make it better to suit the audiences expectation. 

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