Monday 16 January 2017

16/01/17 - BBC sets up team to debunk fake news (37)

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This article is about how the BBC are going out and gathering a team of BBC workers to 'debunk' fake news (find misleading information and delete it straight away). In addition, their news chief James Harding said that the BBC is going to be "weighing in on the battles over lies, distortion and exaggerations". Then he also discussed that the BBC do not have access to edit and change the internet but will do regular check up on the different social media sites they associate with such as Facebook. Furthermore, the writer also included that fake news had a major impact on the UK's referendum about leaving the EU and the presidential elections on how there were numerous amounts of unreliable and made up stories which gave the audience false information and therefore voting for the party, which where they believed more stronger but didn't realise that what they may have voted for can be misleading - all due to the fake news. Therefore, BBC are wanting to make a change in this and making the online/digital world, a place where if the audience were to read something, there wouldn't be any cautions of disbelief on if it was fake news or not. Facebook has been singled out as the platform that has enabled false stories to spread most widely. 
  • Harding said the corporation had been inundated by news in 2016 because the world was “living in an age of instability”.
  • The plans also include establishing an expertise network drawing on staff across the BBC, creating an “intelligence unit” within the World Service, which has received £290m to expand its reach into new languages, and putting more resources into data journalism.
In my opinion, I believe that a huge worldwide company such as BBC trying to make an impact on this fake news scandal is a good thing. One of the reasons I believe this is because of the fact that the BBC are known for being balanced (unbiased) and therefore, they will be able to give a valuable reason on whether or not something is fake news or not. Also, even without telling that they are unbiased I believe that the people who run the internet servers, could potentially take specific articles down with the voice of the larger companies like the BBC. Therefore, I believe that what the BBC are trying to do about the fake news and being one of the first larger companies to try and make such a huge impact on something as quite serious as this, is good as it may also persuade other larger companies to do the same thing, especially companies such as Twitter or Facebook.

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