Tuesday 25 April 2017

25/04/17 - Teachers on Twitter: why you should join and how to get started (65)


twitter app on phone

This article is about the different problems which teachers face when they're on social media. A lot of the times, this article talks about how teachers don't specifically like to be on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter mainly because of the fact that students can be able to view their accounts and sometimes make fun of the teachers when they're in school. Most teachers seem to use their real names, but you can make your account private, so that students can’t find you. Another reason why teachers cannot go onto social media is mainly because they may not have enough time too; With marking, meetings, parents’ evenings, administrative tasks and exam entries, teachers aren’t left with much time to discuss teaching practices with colleagues. But we want to talk about what works. On Twitter, it’s refreshing to get an outside view, away from the politics and day-to-day conversations of your own school. 
  • Whatever resource you are about to make, stop – open Twitter and explore what is already available. Chances are that another teacher will have created something that is perfect for you, and is using strategies you’ve never thought of.
  • The blogs of some incredible teachers have taught me far more about my profession, and given me more practical ideas, than my MA in education did. There is some incredibly useful research being carried out in education, but I didn’t encounter any of it until joining Twitter and following groups such as The Learning Scientists (@AceThatTest).
  • Teachers of all ages and nationalities come together on Twitter and they are excited about the profession, their subjects and the students they teach. I’ve found that if you choose to associate yourself with these types of people, you might well become one.
In my opinion, I believe that teachers shouldn't feel the fact that they shouldn't join the social media networking sites. Teachers, nowadays, have many different reasons why they would not like to join the social media sites and to some extent, I agree with that but for some reasons, I believe that they're too sensitive. Everyone should keep up to date with the latest craze no matter who the person is and I feel that teachers should also be apart of that category. Even if the students were to make fun of them, they still have the option to make their accounts private, as mentioned in the article. The same response would happen, even with the traditional newspapers as if the teachers were to be mentioned in those articles and the students say it, they would still respond within the same manner of respect.

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