Tuesday 18 April 2017

11/04/17 - Technology is a marvel – now let’s make it moral (61)


Illustration by Jasper Rietman

This article is about how 'we are in an age of marvellous technology but also of staggering incomprehension'. We rely on technology for almost everything – our banks, our healthcare, our transport – but we have no idea how it might work or how to hold it to account. At best, that leads to “understand the necessary hashtags”-style blunders. At worst, it leads to companies having the freedom to make foolish or unethical decisions that put our privacy and security at risk. Despite the internet being a huge revelation to the society, there are some certain aspects that are endangering the world as a key thing is that we are becoming very lazy and have become extremely reliant on the internet and new and digital media. In addition to that, the article talks about how there are many social media sites which realise false information, in other words, fake news. But, the article does talk about how we must act to make the internet a much better place for the younger audience; it says the following: We must fight for fairness. We must protect ourselves. Britain has been doing this since time immemorial – it is only the tools at our disposal that have changed.

  • This is not just about tech. It is about finding the future of Britain. We’re about to become a smaller country, more alone in a large world. We need something to anchor ourselves to – something to remind us of who we are and where we’re heading.
  • These are not revolutionary ideas. Beneath the shiny words – “cyber security”, “venture capitalists” – lie some of our oldest, purest values. 
  •  Estonia has been investing in tech education since 1998, when all schools in the country went online; today, companies such as Skype are worth billions of dollars and, as co-founder Taavet Hinrikus told the Economist back in 2013, high-school students now dream of being entrepreneurs instead of rock stars.
In my opinion, I believe that the internet is already a great place which only needs a few changes towards it. One of them being the fake news; misleading people to false and normally, negative views will only make the atmosphere on the internet and in the world uncomfortable. People would have different views about others, whether it's racial or personal it may still be false. The people to blame for this are the ones who run all the different social media sites, as they are the only ones who have control and can stop this false information from being fed to another user. However, there are some certain aspects which is making the world a much more lazier environment such as shopping for clothes or food.

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