Thursday 16 June 2016

Audience Research

How much you have spent on books this year?
I have spent roughly around £7.
How many books you have read this year?
I have read 2 books (Harry Potter and the Witcher). 
How many web pages you have read this year?
Too many to count.
How many Facebook profiles you have read this year?
I don't really go onto Facebook a lot nowadays. If I do, it would just be to look at the news feeds page.
How much TV you watch each day?
I spend around 2/3 hours a day watching TV.
How long you’re online for each day?
Near enough the whole day if I am at home.
How many hours of music you listen to each day?
Roughly around 2 hours
How long you’re on your mobile phone every day?
I would spend around 3-5 hours per day on my phone, especially when I'm watching TV.

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